PDQuick Software for Retail, Liquor Store, Grocery PDQuick Retail Point of Sale Software

Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Weekdays EST

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Question #1:
After connecting the second monitor it does not display sales info when ringing up items.
After connecting the second monitor restart Windows.
In PDQuick Retail Software enable the second monitor customer display under Terminal Setups.

Question #2:
The info on the second monitor does not seem to fit well on the screen.
The Customer Display Monitor should be a 15 inch or 17 inch screen size.
The recommended display resolution needs to be set to 1024x768px 96DPI

Question #3:
The display on the second monitor has a lot of white space (blank area) to the right.
Put an image there or rotating images to engage your customers.
Copy a properly sized high quality image graphic in BMP, JPG or GIF format
to the "ADVERT" folder under your company's root folder.

Question #4:
The customer info is showing on the primary monitor instead of the second monitor or just is not displaying properly.
We have found a solution for this issue by deleting three registry keys.

Notice: This solution worked for many of our customers but we do not guarantee it will work for you.
If you are not comfortable working with Windows Registry modifications consult with a qualified expert.
We are not responsible if anything happens to your PC.

If you wish to proceed here are the steps :

1. Connect and power up the second monitor to your computer.
2. On your keyboard Press the Windows key + R
3. Type regedit and hit ENTER.
4. If a message pops up saying "do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" click YES.
5. A window called "Registry Editor" should show.

6. Locate these three registry keys:

7. After finding the keys right click on each folder and select delete and then yes.
Make sure you are deleting all of the primary and sub keys.

8. Leaving all monitors connected and powered up Restart Windows. If you have done everything
properly each monitor should reset to the default best resolution the monitor can display.
Since this technique erases prior monitor settings you will need to reset the display resolution
on each monitor to 1024x768px.

9. Use the PDQuick Retail Software Customer Display Diagnostic to test and save the dual monitor settings.

Note :
PDQuick does not sell or support computer systems, networks POS Peripherals or any other hardware.
We can provide support for our software applications only.
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PDQuick Retail Point of Sale Software
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Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Weekdays EST

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