PDQuick Software for Retail, Liquor Store, Grocery PDQuick Retail Point of Sale Software

Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM Weekdays Eastern Time

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PDQuick supports Tax by Volume functionality. Places of business that are required to collect a Sugary Drink Tax or Soda Tax can immediately use this feature. PDQuick produces reports that will show the amount of Soda Tax that is collected. Receipt printing will include a Sugary Drink Tax line showing the customer the amount of Soda Tax they were charged.

EBT / Food Stamp compliance :
EBT / Food Stamp compliance is achieved by removing the Soda Tax from the current sale once an EBT or Food Stamp payment is selected. If the EBT payment is abandoned for any reason the Soda Tax will be added back into the order so that an alternate payment method can be selected.
Soda Tax Order Example
PDQuick Point Of Sale - Touch Screen QSR POS Software with Soda Tax
Non-EBT Sale
EBT / SNAP Soda Tax Payment Example
PDQuick Point Of Sale - Touch Screen QSR POS Software with EBT Compliant Soda Tax
EBT Food Stamp Payments Remove Sales Taxes

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PDQuick Retail Point of Sale Software
Grocery Store POS Software | Convenience Store POS Software
Retail POS Software | Liquor Store POS Software

Sales and Support call 1-302-727-0333
12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM Weekdays Eastern Time

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