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1. What is the Help Desk Voice Service Plan Lifecycle Policy?
The PDQuick Retail Software Support Lifecycle policy standardizes product support policies for Consumer and Business Application products.

The new Help Desk Voice Service Plan Lifecycle policy provides:
Help Desk Voice Service Plan to be offered for either a minimum of 1 year from the date of a product's general availability, or for 1 year after the successor product is released, whichever is longer. PDQuick Retail Software will typically release new versions annually. The PDQuick Retail Software Help Desk Voice Service Plan Lifecycle policy is a worldwide policy. However, PDQuick Retail Software understands that local laws, market conditions, and support requirements differ around the world and differ by industry sector. Customers and partners can contact their PDQuick Retail Software account representative for more information.

2. If my program is currently supported under the Support Lifecycle policy, but my operating system is not supported, can I still receive support for the program?
For example, can I receive support for PDQuick Retail Software running on Microsoft Windows XP?
If the problem is specific to the program, PDQuick Retail Software will provide support. If the problem is a result of the combination of the operating system and the program, that particular problem will not be supported.

3. Why are you defining the Support Lifecycle policy?
The Support Lifecycle policy establishes a clear and predictable policy for product support timelines. The policy helps customers and partners manage their support requirements. The policy also allows both product planning and information technology planning in organizations based on knowledge of the support timelines for PDQuick Retail Software products.

4. If I have multiple PDQuick Retail Software products do they all share the same support lifecycle timelines?
The PDQuick Retail Software Support Lifecycle timelines are consistent by product family for new and future versions of its products. However, older versions of PDQuick Retail Software products may have different lifecycle timelines. Therefore, it is important to verify the exact product support dates for your product.

5. After the PDQuick Retail Software assisted and paid support offerings have ended, what are my options if I want to continue to receive support?
Support will no longer be available for discontinued versions. For information on how to obtain Product Upgrades please visit our Web Site.

6. What is the policy for service packs and upgrades?
The PDQuick Retail Software Support Lifecycle policy requires that the product's supported service pack or upgrade be installed to continue to receive support. These upgrades are available to Voice Service Plan customers free of charge or up to 1 year from the original Purchase date for self supporting customers.

7. What is the Support Lifecycle for minor releases of major products?
Minor releases follow the same Support Lifecycle as the major product release.

8. How can customers and partners estimate the Help Desk Voice Service Plan lifecycle for products that are not yet available or that are still in the Mainstream Support phase?
The Help Desk Voice Service Plan Lifecycle policy is designed to help take the guesswork out of the length of time PDQuick Retail Software provides a Help Desk Voice Service Plan for any product. The lifecycle combines 1 year of Mainstream Support or 1 year after the successor product is released, whichever is longer. Products that release new versions annually will receive 1 year of Mainstream Support. For information about end-of-support dates and any other support options (if applicable) for all products, Contact PDQuick Retail Software.

9. How long can I legally use PDQuick Retail Software products after I have licensed it and is the term of my software license affected by the Support Lifecycle policy?
  9a. If have a Service Plan license and are current on all payments and fees the Support Lifecycle policy is extended on a monthly basis until canceled or terminated by any party.
  9b. If your license is Standard (no Help Desk Voice Service Plan) the Support Lifecycle policy has no effect on how long you can use a product.
The Support Lifecycle policy outlines how long PDQuick Retail Software will provide technical support for products.

10. Your Lifecycle policy changed since I originally purchased the product. How does this affect me?
The policy that was in place prior to the policy change up to 1 year from date of purchase remains in effect. Contact PDQuick Retail Software for clarification if needed.

These policies are effective as of December 1, 2021


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